Best Neurologist Queens NY

At Long Island Neurology Consultants, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.  Our team of board-certified neurologists and physician assistants combines quality care and experience to work with each patient.   We see patients and perform neurological testing at our offices in Lynbrook and Hewlett. If you’re dealing with vertigo, we highly recommend you schedule an appointment at our facility with the best neurologist queens ny today!

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo Treatment In Rockville Centre NY

Vertigo is a type of dizziness characterized by the sensation of spinning or swaying, even when you are standing still. There are two types of vertigo: peripheral and central. Peripheral vertigo is caused by problems with your inner ear or vestibular system, while problems in your brain cause central vertigo. Vertigo can also be caused by other health conditions, such as migraines, stroke, or anxiety. Treatment for vertigo will depend on the underlying cause. In that case, our team of Neurology consultants at LI Neurology can help determine what type of vertigo you may be having and also find you the best possible treatment. If you seek the best neurologist queens ny, we think you have come to the right place. Keep reading to learn more about our neurologist in Queens. 

Types of Vertigo?

If you are experiencing any symptoms of vertigo, it is important to seek medical help right away. While some cases of vertigo may go away on their own, chronic or severe patients may require treatment from a healthcare professional. Treatment may include medications, physical therapy, or other interventions depending on the underlying cause of vertigo.

If you are suffering from vertigo, there are some things that you can do at home to help alleviate your symptoms. Try to avoid sudden movements, as this can make the dizziness worse. Try to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids. You may also want to try lying down and closing your eyes until the dizziness subsides. If your vertigo is severe, you should seek medical help right away. Vertigo can be a very serious condition, so it is important to seek medical help if you are experiencing any symptoms. With proper treatment, vertigo can be managed, and you can live a normal, healthy life. Contact us for clinical expertise in Forest Hills. 

LI Neurology – Best Neurologist Queens NY

If you are experiencing vertigo, it is important to seek medical help. Whether the vertigo is caused by an underlying condition or simply a result of your vestibular system not functioning properly, getting treatment as soon as possible can help prevent further complications and manage your symptoms. You can live a normal, healthy life despite having vertigo with the proper care and management. We urge you to reach out to our offices and find the best neurologist queens ny. Contact our website to set up your appointment today!

Contact LI Neurology The Best Neurologist Queens NY

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    Do you presently reside in a Nursing home or Rehabilitation Center? YesNo

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    What Can Trigger A Seizure?

    best neurologist queens ny

    An individual who tends to have seizures will be diagnosed with Epilepsy. Usually, the cause of Epilepsy involves a previous injury to the brain. In other cases, there are no identified causes for Epilepsy, but there are things that may trigger the frequency or severity of seizures. Seizure types vary in every individual who gets them, so causes and triggers are also different. Long Island Neurology Consultants has a best neurologist queens ny that can inform you of the possible triggers of your seizures for you to be watching out for.

    What is a seizure?

    A seizure is when a burst of electrical impulses goes out of normal limits, transmitted to your muscles, causing twitching or convulsions. 

    Types of Seizures – Best Neurologist Queens NY

    There are two types of seizures an individual may have, which include:

    • Focal: abnormal activity in one part of your brain that may cause you to lose consciousness or keep you awake or alert during
      • Losing consciousness: can change your emotions or alter your senses. You may jerk your arm or leg or feel dizzy or a tingly sensation.
      • Not losing consciousness: you aren’t aware of your surroundings or staring into space.
    • Generalized: abnormal activity occurring in all parts of your brain. There are six types:
      • Absence: occur mostly in children and cause small movements
      • Tonic: stiffens your muscles which causes you to fall down
      • Atonic: take away your muscle control 
      • Clonic: jerking movements in your neck, face, and arms.
      • Myoclonic: short twitching or jerking in arms or legs
      • Tonic-clonic: make you lose consciousness, stiffen your whole body, shake or bite your tongue or lose control of your bladder.

    Possible Triggers That Cause Seizures

    Although the true causes of seizures are unknown, certain factors are known to provoke them. Being aware and avoiding these factors can reduce the frequency of seizures you experience. Triggers include:

    • Other medications that interfere with seizure medications
    • Illegal drugs
    • Lack of sleep
    • Flashing lights, images, or patterns
    • Overuse of alcohol
    • Missing mediation doses
    • For women: heavy menstrual periods

    LI Neurology Consultants – The Best Neurologist Queens NY

    You must be aware of possible triggers that you should avoid to reduce your seizures. Still, our best neurologist queens ny can diligently work with you to find any unique or different triggers. Long Island Neurology Consultants specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders, and our best neurologist queens ny will gladly help you. Contact us or visit our website to schedule an appointment!

    How Long Can Dementia Last?

    best neurologist queens ny

    Dementia refers to diseases associated with memory loss and mental function deterioration. Dementia is a progressive disease that worsens over time and occurs due to physical changes in the brain. The progression of dementia depends on the underlying cause and can progress rapidly for one person while taking years for another to reach an advanced stage. Symptoms of dementia can be addressed through the best neurologist queens ny. At Long Island Neurology Consultants, our team can diagnose and treat symptoms of multiple types of dementia.

    Types of Dementia – Best Neurologist Queens NY

    Some of the most common forms of dementia that can be handled with best neurologist queens ny include:

    • Alzheimer’s Disease
    • Lewy Body Dementia
    • Vascular Dementia
    • Frontotemporal Dementia
    • Parkinson’s Disease

    Stages of Dementia

    Dementia progresses differently in each person who experiences the disease. The first stage of dementia is mild dementia. During this stage, people can still function independently, but memory lapses and personality changes occur. On average, the first stage of dementia goes on for two years. The next stage of dementia is moderate dementia. It is more likely for someone with moderate dementia to need assistance in their daily lives. Confusion and memory loss worsens in this stage. The average duration of this stage is one and a half years. In the final stage of dementia, severe dementia, physical capabilities begin to decline, and full-time assistance is required. Severe dementia can last from 1 and a half to 2 and a half years. Our clinic care for patients is something we take pride in. Call today for the most compassionate care possible. 

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia

    Our specialist will perform an evaluation, tests, and brain scans to pinpoint the cause of dementia and how we can help. Most types of dementia cannot be cured. But there are ways to manage symptoms. Some treatment methods include:

    • Medication, such as cholinesterase inhibitors or memantine
    • Occupational therapy
    • Modifying the environment and simplifying tasks

    Contact Our Best Neurologist Queens NY Today!

    Dementia affects memory, thinking, and social abilities, interfering with one’s life. It is best to seek the best neurologist queens ny to suppress symptoms and get an expert’s opinion. At Long Island Neurology Consultants, we can assist patients with dementia and address symptoms. Contact our team today for neurological care, diagnostic and treatment near Queens Blvd NY 11375. 

    What Happens If Myasthenia Gravis Is Left Untreated?

    best neurologist queens ny

    Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder that results when the regular communication between nerves and muscles breaks down. Weakness of the voluntary muscles in your body results. There is no cure for myasthenia gravis; however, you can follow treatment methods recommended by our best neurologist queens ny to decrease symptoms. At Long Island Neurology Consultants, we perform neurology testing and provide treatment for multiple types of neurological conditions.

    Cause of Myasthenia Gravis

    An autoimmune disorder consists of the immune system mistakenly attacking a healthy part of the body. With myasthenia gravis, antibodies destroy the communication between nerves and muscles, resulting in muscle weakness. The thymus gland maintains the production of the antibodies, so if the thymus gland is abnormally large or a tumor is present, myasthenia gravis can result. In rare cases, myasthenia gravis can appear in children born to mothers with the disorder. There is no cure, but medical management can help people with myasthenia gravis live longer and more functional lives.

    Symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis

    People who suffer from myasthenia gravis have symptoms that progress over time. It can make any muscle you control voluntarily weak. Some muscle groups it can affect include the eyes, face, throat, neck, and limbs. If you experience any of the following symptoms, visit our best neurologist queens ny:

    • Drooping of one or both eyelids
    • Double vision
    • Impaired speaking
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Change in facial expressions
    • Change in the way you walk
    • Difficulty holding up your head

    Treatment Methods With Our Best Neurologist Queens NY

    If myasthenia gravis is left untreated, muscle weakness will progress fast, and you can become at risk of developing a myasthenic crisis, a life-threatening complication. Therefore, you should manage your symptoms with our best neurologist queens ny. Treatment options include:

    • Medications such as cholinesterase inhibitors, corticosteroids, and immunosuppressants
    • Intravenous therapy like plasmapheresis, intravenous immunoglobulin, and monoclonal antibody
    • Surgery to remove the thymus gland

    Contact Our Best Neurologist Queens NY

    Our best neurologist queens ny can address myasthenia gravis signs and symptoms to slow its progression. At Long Island Neurology Consultants, we can diagnose and treat myasthenia gravis and other neurological conditions. Contact our office to find out how we can help you.

    How Does Nerve Pain Feel?

    best neurologist queens ny

    Sometimes, it can be difficult to understand our bodies and our sensations. How do we know if a certain feeling can potentially harm our bodies? If you think you are suffering from nerve pain,  LI Neurology can help you today. Our best neurologist queens ny can provide you with a comprehensive assessment to determine any diagnosis you may have that is related to your nerve pain. If you want to learn about nerve pain and what conditions it can lead to, continue reading! 

    Treating Nerve Pain With The Best Neurologist Queens NY

    Nerve pain occurs when there are issues in the brain or spinal cord or the nerves that run through the muscles and organs. Diseases, injuries, infections are some reasons you may encounter nerve pain. But what does it feel like? Listed below are some examples of what nerve pain feels like. If you believe that you experienced any of these symptoms, please schedule an appointment with our primary neurologist in Oceanside, NY, to further evaluate you. The following signs of nerve pain are: 

    • Stabbing, burning, or shooting sensation
    • Numbness and tingling
    • Loss of sensation 
    • Muscle weakness
    • Sensitivity to temperature 
    • Loss of balance 

    Conditions That Cause Nerve Pain

    You may have been experiencing nerve pain, so maybe it’s time to seek medical help if these signs are early indicators of particular conditions. Our best neurologist queens ny, at our office, provides thorough assessments to diagnose you accurately. Below are some of the conditions that can potentially cause nerve pain: 

    • Multiple Sclerosis: A disease that affects the brain and spinal cord
    • Parkinson’s Disease: A progressive disorder that impacts muscle control 
    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Compression of the medial nerve 
    • Herniated Discs: Ruptured disc that causes numbness and tingling sensation
    • Brain Tumor: Noncancerous or cancerous cells growing in the brain 

    Visit The Best Neurologist Queens NY

    Nerve pain can be hard to detect, but we are here to help you. At LI Neurology, we will tackle any concerns that you may have. Our best neurologist queens ny will listen to your signs and symptoms and evaluate you if necessary. You no longer have to live with any doubts about your nerve pain. Contact us today to provide you with an evaluation and treatment for optimal results.

    What Is Considered Traumatic Head Injury?

    best neurologist queens ny

    No matter how mild a bump to the head may seem, it is critical to monitor an individual after any hit to their head has occurred. Being the location of the brain and an area that requires serious protection and care, a hit to the head can cause serious medical problems. If an incident occurs, one must not wait to get medical help. Come to the best neurologist queens ny, at LI Neurology to get appropriate and vital neurological treatment. Our team is ready to help you, for we understand the importance of protecting one’s brain and are equipped to provide you with proper care.

    What Is Traumatic Head Injury?

    Traumatic head injury, or traumatic brain injury, is a trauma that causes sudden brain damage and is often caused by any hitting or penetrating of the head. Some examples of closed head injuries, which are those caused by bumping one’s head, include:

    • Falls
    • Motor vehicle accidents
    • Sports injuries

    There are also penetrating injuries, which occur when an object goes through one’s skull. Some examples of these are:

    • Being hit by a bullet or a weapon
    • Head injuries causing bone fragments to go past the skull into the brain

    Due to the variance in pain that some of these occurrences may have, one may not think that they are injured. Despite this assumption, getting medical attention immediately is vital, such as the best neurologist queens ny. Being proactive is essential to ensure injury prevention.

    Symptoms To Look Out For:

    Getting immediate medical attention should always be the first step of action following an incident that may have impacted one’s head. Another vital component of this procedure is to monitor the individual’s well-being. One important part of this is to check for symptoms, such as:

    • Loss of consciousness
    • Dizziness
    • Headache
    • Fatigue
    • Confusion
    • Ringing sensation in ears
    • Vomiting
    • Nausea
    • Seizures
    • Unable to wake from sleep
    • Slurring of speech
    • Changes in sleep patterns
    • Changes in behavior

    Best Neurologist Queens NY

    If you or someone you know is displaying any of the above symptoms or has sudden head trauma, see the best neurologist queens ny, to receive appropriate medical care. Our board-certified team of neurologists and physician assistants is equipped with vast experience and equipment to treat many conditions and conduct neurological testing. Contact us today to get an appointment with our doctor at LI Neurology!

    What Causes Neurological Fatigue?

    best neurologist queens ny

    Have you ever experienced an overwhelming feeling of tiredness that becomes debilitating and prevents you from performing normal daily activities? Does this tiredness remain no matter how much rest you seem to get? You may be experiencing a phenomenon known as neurological fatigue. Healthy people can feel mentally tired from time to time. They’ll notice this usually at the end of a long day or activity session when suddenly, they are sensitive to sound where their music may feel too loud for them or distracting and headache-inducing. Those with neurological fatigue experience this on a much larger, devastating scale where their mental energy feels exhausted in only a short time. If you or a loved one is experiencing any symptoms of neurological fatigue, contact Long Island Neurology Consultants for the best neurologist queens ny. Here are some potential causes of neurological fatigue.  


    Research has shown that individuals with any of the following conditions tend to exhibit more prevalence of neurological fatigue than individuals without them. The conditions may include, but are not limited to:

    • MS.
    • Parkinson’s Disease
    • Transverse Myelitis
    • Trauma.
    • Stroke.

    The diseases that affect the nervous system and neuromuscular junctions tend to cause the most cases of neurological fatigue. The experts at Long Island Neurology Consultants have a deep understanding of all the conditions causing fatigue and should be contacted for further information via their best neurologist queens ny.


    Poor diet has been shown to cause fatigue. The body does not get all the nutrients needed to function when one skips meals or fails to eat foods with good nutritional content. This lack of working material for the body and neurological system can cause one to become sluggish and unable to function at their desired intensity. Long Island Neurology Consultants is located in New York, and we specialize in practicing medicine with our top neurologists. 

    Best Neurologist Queens NY

    Neurological fatigue is a complex condition that can affect your mood, memory, concentration, decision-making, and emotional state. With causes ranging from severe to mild, getting an expert opinion when experiencing any neurological fatigue symptoms is vital. Contact a best neurologist queens ny, through Long Island Neurology Consultants to make an appointment today! Click here to learn more!

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