How Do I Know If I Have Nerve Damage?

Neurologist in Queens, NY

Nerves are the main source in sending messages to the brain that alert your awareness of your surroundings. When nerves are damaged, pain can occur, and your body is less capable of detecting any injuries. Nerve pain is dangerous, so seeking help is essential. Visit LI Neurology to get in touch with our neurologist in Queens, NY for your proper treatment. 

What Causes Nerve Damage?

Nerve pain occurs after the effect of nerve damage. When nerve damage occurs, signals to the brain do not work or may cause false signs due to this damage. Damaged nerves can cause pain, numbness, and hypersensitivity when doing specific activities. All these sensations and types of pain can make everyday activities difficult. Most causes of nerve damage can be from severe conditions such as diabetes, shingles, or cancer, or pain can develop from no source. Our Neurology doctor in Queens, NY can get you started on a path of treatment that eases nerve pain due to damage. 

Does Nerve Damage Go Away?

Nerve damage heals with proper treatment, but leaving the nerve damaged without treatment may worsen or spread throughout the body, causing more pain and issues. This makes seeing a professional the first step toward a successful recovery. Our neurologist can help you understand your nerve pain and determine the conditions causing the damage. Proper treatment will help ease your pain and eventually heal your damaged nerves. 

Treatments for Nerve Damage

Your treatment plan for nerve damage can depend on the type of nerve pain you are experiencing and what your doctor advises is best for you. Below are treatments that are recommended. 

  • Prescription or over-the-counter medications
  • Natural treatments: acupuncture treatment or vitamin-B12 supplements are proven to help with nerve damage 

Visit LI Neurology To Speak With Our Neurologist in Queens, NY

As soon as you start experiencing nerve pain, seek medical care immediately. Come and visit our Neurologist in Queens, NY for proper treatment to relieve pain and reverse nerve damage before it worsens. At LI Neurology, we are always here to help with assisting you on your treatment path. Contact us today to book an appointment.