stroke treatment in Rockville Centre NY

You have had a stroke, which most likely caused brain damage. Although you now know what caused your stroke (clot), you may not be able to change that immediately. What is changing is your brain. You are on the road to healing and repairing your damaged tissue but it will take time. Knowing how the brain heals after injury and staying positive will help your brain heal. The sooner you start, the better. Thankfully, contacting Long Island Neurology Consultants for stroke treatment in Rockville Centre NY could benefit you.

Other Helpful Things To Know:

How long will it take? Every brain is different but know that a huge percentage of stroke patients recover much more than they realize and many cases are misdiagnosed!  Rehabilitation or physical therapy can be very worthwhile as well.  In terms of time, the first three months is a crucial point to make as much progress as possible.

Another important factor is that at 6 weeks post stroke you would have been seen by a neurologist and before then was when many strokes went unrecognized. Now there are more tools available than ever before which makes proper diagnosis easier including brain scans, neuropsychological testing, and a list of questions to ask your doctor.

A brain scan is the best way to see what is going on in the brain. Depending on where you are in the world it may be difficult getting one within 3 weeks of having a stroke so don’t be discouraged if it takes longer than that. If you live in the US you can also go to and take a free brain scan there, but that takes time too so think ahead so it’s not such an emergency when it happens.

If you live outside of the US, find other tools for checking your cognitive skills online. There are many tests available which look at different aspects of your motor skills (walking), vision, hearing, memory, language and thinking. You can also find out if you had a stroke by doing an MRI Brain scan or taking a CT scan because stroke damage is obvious in these tests. 

Local Stroke Treatment in Rockville Centre NY

Should you want more information, stroke treatment in Rockville Centre NY could benefit you. At Long Island Neurology Consultants, we’ve been helping stroke victims recover for many years. For assistance, please schedule an appointment by clicking here.