Welcome To Our Neurologist in Nassau County NY

Neurologist in Nassau County NY

Long Island Neurology Consultants a Neurologist in Nassau County NY specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. At Long Island Neurology Consultants, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.  Our team of board-certified neurologists and physician assistants combines quality care and experience to work with each patient.   We see patients and perform neurological testing at our offices in Lynbrook and Hewlett.

6 Easy Tips You Can Do to Prevent Headaches

Neurologist in Nassau County NY

Unfortunately, headaches can be a common occurrence for some people. However, in most cases, they end up going away after a short amount of time. Often, lifestyle choices are the cause of headaches. For example, alcohol, not drinking enough water, lack of sleep, and stress can cause a headache. There are things that you can do to prevent them from occurring and minimize the pain associated with them. If your headaches last for an extended time or keep coming back, we recommend that you see our Neurologist in Nassau County NY. Keep reading to learn about tips and tricks to prevent headaches.

Six Easy Tips To Prevent Headaches

Headaches can be excruciating and get in the way of completing your daily work and activities. Long Island Neurology Consultants are passionate about giving patients resources to prevent pain so they can continue enjoying their everyday life. Here are a few easy tips to avoid headaches: 

  1. Eat regular meals: It is essential to give your body regular meals and food as this fuels your brain. Without regular meals, your blood sugar can drop, which triggers hormones that can cause headaches. 
  2. Monitor your stress: Stress can cause headaches due to the tension of muscles around the head; therefore, monitoring your stress levels can help prevent headaches. 
  3. Get appropriate amounts of sleep: Adults should get seven or more hours of sleep per night. By not sleeping enough, you are disrupting your REM sleep cycles which can cause headaches. 
  4. Take note of foods that cause headaches and steer clear: Everyone is different and reacts to certain foods differently. Some people’s bodies experience a headache in response to certain foods. Taking note of these trigger food and staying away can prevent headaches. 
  5. Reduce caffeine usage: Too much caffeine can cause headaches. Try to reduce caffeine intake slowly, as immediately stopping caffeine usage can cause headaches. 
  6. Monitor your exercise: For some people, certain forms of exercise can cause headaches. It is vital to monitor your exercise routine to see if your movements are causing headaches. 

For some people, these tips may not work. If you find that taking precautions to prevent headaches isn’t working, contact our Neurologist in Nassau County NY. We can help find more tips to avoid headaches or determine if something more serious is happening. 

Contact Neurologist in Nassau County NY

While headaches are common, they may indicate something more severe in some instances. If you have recurring headaches or a headache that lasts many hours without any relief, contact Long Island Neurology Consultants. Our Neurologist in Nassau County NY, have experience in treating headaches and diagnosing an underlying cause that may be causing these headaches. To find relief from chronic headaches, contact our expert physicians today. 

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    Do you require an appointment due to an Auto Accident or Work Injury? YesNo

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    Do you presently reside in a Nursing home or Rehabilitation Center? YesNo

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    How Do I Know If I Have Nerve Damage?

    Neurologist in Nassau County NY

    Nerves are the main source in sending messages to the brain that alert your awareness of your surroundings. When nerves are damaged, pain can occur, and your body is less capable of detecting any injuries. Nerve pain is dangerous, so seeking help is essential. Visit LI Neurology to get in touch with our Neurologist in Nassau County NY for your proper treatment. 

    What Causes Nerve Damage?

    Nerve pain occurs after the effect of nerve damage. When nerve damage occurs, signals to the brain do not work or may cause false signs due to this damage. Damaged nerves can cause pain, numbness, and hypersensitivity when doing specific activities. All these sensations and types of pain can make everyday activities difficult. Most causes of nerve damage can be from severe conditions such as diabetes, shingles, or cancer, or pain can develop from no source. Our Neurology doctor in Queens, NY can get you started on a path of treatment that eases nerve pain due to damage. 

    Does Nerve Damage Go Away?

    Nerve damage heals with proper treatment, but leaving the nerve damaged without treatment may worsen or spread throughout the body, causing more pain and issues. This makes seeing a professional the first step toward a successful recovery. Our neurologist can help you understand your nerve pain and determine the conditions causing the damage. Proper treatment will help ease your pain and eventually heal your damaged nerves. 

    Treatments for Nerve Damage

    Your treatment plan for nerve damage can depend on the type of nerve pain you are experiencing and what your doctor advises is best for you. Below are treatments that are recommended. 

    • Prescription or over-the-counter medications
    • Natural treatments: acupuncture treatment or vitamin-B12 supplements are proven to help with nerve damage 

    Visit LI Neurology To Speak With Our Neurologist in Nassau County NY

    As soon as you start experiencing nerve pain, seek medical care immediately. Come and visit our Neurologist in Nassau County NY for proper treatment to relieve pain and reverse nerve damage before it worsens. At LI Neurology, we are always here to help with assisting you on your treatment path. Contact us today to book an appointment.

    Benefits of Exercise on Brain and Mental

    Neurologist in Nassau County NY

    Not everyone knows it, but exercise can greatly benefit your brain and mental health! It is always important to exercise. However, did you know that exercise can have a direct positive impact on your brain and mental health? By exercising regularly, you will not only help to prevent certain health diseases, but you will also put your mental state in a better place. If you’re looking to further your knowledge, consider seeking Neurologist in Nassau County NY, LI Neuro can help you!

    Benefits of Exercise on Mental Health with our Neurologist in Nassau County NY

    If you are experiencing any mental health illness, exercise can help ease some symptoms. Illnesses such as depression and anxiety can make exercising hard due to a lack of motivation or increased nerves. However, exercise is one of the best things you can do to improve your motivation. Exercise not only improves motivation but also helps to ease stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and will help relieve all of the symptoms that come with these mental illnesses. Not only will exercise reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety it will also prevent them from coming right back. If you live in New York and want to learn more about how exercise can fight mental illness, seek Neurologist in Nassau County NY, with LI Neuro.

    How exercise can reduce depression and anxiety

    There are many ways in which exercise assists in boosting your mental health. Li Neuro can directly help with your case. However, here are some ways in which exercise boosts your mental state:

    • Exercise releases endorphins to boost your mood and make you feel good.
    • It increases your self-image and boosts confidence.
    • Exercise can take your mind off everything.
    • Exercising usually puts you in place for more social interaction and can help take your mind off your worries by placing you in groups or with other people.

    Visit Our Neurologist in Nassau County NY, Today!

    Mental and brain health are serious issues in today’s society and should not be taken lightly. Therefore, if you’re seeking Neurologist in Nassau County NY, contact LI Neuro to ensure your mental health is in the best shape possible.

    4 Things To Know About Vertigo

    Neurologist in Nassau County NY

    Neurological testing can help diagnose and treat many conditions such as Vertigo. Benign paroxysmal positional Vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common causes of Vertigo — the sudden sensation that you’re spinning or that the inside of your head is spinning. At Long Island Neurologist Consultants, our Neurologist in Nassau County NY can help with vertigo. For more information about Vertigo and how we can help, continue reading below. 

    1. What Causes Vertigo?

    There are many different things that can cause vertigo. One of the most common is a problem with the inner ear. This can be due to an infection, a tumor, or even just aging. Another common cause of vertigo is a head injury. This can damage the balance center in the brain and lead to vertigo.

    2. How Is Vertigo Treated At Neurologist in Nassau County NY?

    There are several different ways to treat vertigo. One of the most common is medication. This can help to relieve the symptoms of vertigo. Another option is physical therapy. This can help to retrain the balance center in the brain. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the problem.

    3. What Are The Symptoms Of Vertigo?

    The symptoms of vertigo can vary from person to person. Some people may only feel dizzy or lightheaded. Others may also experience nausea, vomiting, or a feeling of fullness in the ear. If you have any of these symptoms, it is important to see your doctor.

    4. How Can I Prevent Vertigo?

    There are several things you can do to help prevent vertigo. One of the most important is to avoid head injuries. If you play sports, wear a helmet. Another thing you can do is to stay hydrated. This will help to keep the fluid in your inner ear at a normal level. Finally, try to avoid loud noises. This can trigger an episode of vertigo.

    Visit Our Neurologist in Nassau County NY Today!

    If you think you may have vertigo, it is important to see your doctor. They will be able to diagnose the problem and come up with a treatment plan that is right for you. Come visit our Neurologist in Nassau County NY if you experience any recurrent, sudden, severe, or prolonged unexplained dizziness or Vertigo. Contact us today to book an appointment.