What is Vertigo?

Vertigo Treatment In Rockville Centre NY

Vertigo is a type of dizziness characterized by the sensation of spinning or swaying, even when you are standing still. There are two types of vertigo: peripheral and central. Peripheral vertigo is caused by problems with your inner ear or vestibular system, while problems in your brain cause central vertigo. Vertigo can also be caused by other health conditions, such as migraines, stroke, or anxiety. Treatment for vertigo will depend on the underlying cause. In that case, our team of Neurology consultants at LI Neurology can help determine what type of vertigo you may be having and also find you the best possible treatment. If you seek vertigo treatment in Rockville centre NY, we think you have come to the right place. Keep reading to learn more.

Types of Vertigo?

If you are experiencing any symptoms of vertigo, it is important to seek medical help right away. While some cases of vertigo may go away on their own, chronic or severe patients may require treatment from a healthcare professional. Treatment may include medications, physical therapy, or other interventions depending on the underlying cause of vertigo.

If you are suffering from vertigo, there are some things that you can do at home to help alleviate your symptoms. Try to avoid sudden movements, as this can make the dizziness worse. Try to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids. You may also want to try lying down and closing your eyes until the dizziness subsides. If your vertigo is severe, you should seek medical help right away. Vertigo can be a very serious condition, so it is important to seek medical help if you are experiencing any symptoms. With proper treatment, vertigo can be managed, and you can live a normal, healthy life.

LI Neurology – Vertigo Treatment In Rockville Centre NY

If you are experiencing vertigo, it is important to seek medical help. Whether the vertigo is caused by an underlying condition or simply a result of your vestibular system not functioning properly, getting treatment as soon as possible can help prevent further complications and manage your symptoms. You can live a normal, healthy life despite having vertigo with the proper care and management. We urge you to reach out to our offices and find a vertigo treatment in Rockville Centre NY. Contact our website to set up your appointment today!