What Triggers Vertigo Attacks?

neurologist in Lakeview NY

Vertigo attacks are the sensation that you or your environment is spinning. This is very common and can happen to anyone but most commonly for people over the age of 65. Nearly 40% of the United States adult population experience this at least once. Around 90 million Americans search for medical help for vertigo problems. If you are experiencing vertigo attacks and are looking for a neurologist in Lakeview NY, then LI Neuro is here to help and provide you with any necessary treatment. 

Symptoms of Vertigo Attacks 

  • Yourself or the environment is spinning or moving
  • Difficult to find balance
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling sick
  • Problem focusing your eyes
  • Ringing in your ears
  • Nausea 
  • Problems or loss of hearing 

What Are The Triggers of Vertigo Attacks? 

There are many reasons why someone can be experiencing a vertigo attack. 

  • Impact on your head 
  • Migraines
  • Damage to the inner ear
    • Infections
    • Meniere’s disease
  • Heart arrhythmias
  • Various movements in the case of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
    • Tipping your head backward
    • Bending your head forward (picking things up) 
    • Rolling over your bed
    • Moving or changing positions quickly
    • Stress, anxiety, depression 

How To Prevent Vertigo Attacks

What a lot of these triggers have in common is fast movements. To avoid this, try to move slower and steadier to avoid any sudden triggers. Many people feel this sensation when bending down to pick up and feel dizzy after getting up, so bending your knees to keep yourself balanced and your head upright can help prevent this. You can also do simple exercises to help treat your symptoms and get your body used to it. If your condition prevents you from completing your day-to-day tasks, you should seek medical help. There are medications, exercises, vestibular rehabilitation training, etc., to help you. If you are looking for a neurologist in Lakeview NY, you can visit us at LI Neuro

Best Neurologist in Lakeview NY

Vertigo attack is very common and can occur at any time and anywhere. If you find yourself experiencing severe symptoms, visit a neurologist in Lakeview NY, to receive the treatment you need and feel your best self again!